The majority of my journey has been posted every week on
my YouTube channel. There you can view all my ups and downs, ins and outs, struggles and successes. My journey has not been perfect. In fact at a year out I was hoping to have lost another 20 pounds, but do I regret it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY! It was the best decision I have ever made. In fact I am not so sure why it was so hard to make in the first place (oh wait I just read my beginning posts, okay it was hard). But seriously, the way I feel about myself now compared to before is amazing. I talked a lot about this in my one year post op video, but I KNOW what to do now. Before surgery I was so confused about what diet, how to work out, on and, I KNOW WHAT TO DO! In fact I am confident that if I put the pedal to the metal and did it, I would lose that 20 pounds that is holding on for dear life. Not to say I learned what to do easily. In this past year, I struggled to figure out what to eat, how to move, how much to drink, how to lift weights, how much protein to eat. It is almost like a secret formula that takes years to figure out and unlock. Before I thought I would never find the key, now, I have found it. The body is complicated, tweaking the formula just right here and there makes all the difference in the world. This is a lifetime journey and I love it, I love my body, I love my new found confidence, I love feeling healthy and strong, and most of all I know what to do if I fall off the wagon. Here is the New Me:

Old Me:
The new me is much better, right!
Thank you for supporting me!