Who: This is a pretty important one since they are the one cutting you open. Yep, I would do some research on this person as much as you can. Beware of deals and Docs doing commercials for cheap surgeries. This is not something that you want to buy on clearance. Trust your instincts. The Internet is a wonderful thing, many sites have reviews on doctors and talk to those support groups and friends.
What: So if you don't know already, there are three different types of weight loss surgery.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
This one is more common and has been around the longest. It is a three step process, the most complicated surgery. But a very good one, and one that most insurances will cover. Some do not cover the Sleeve.
Sleeve Gastrectomy
This is the newest of the three. The majority of the stomach is removed and left in a sleeve like shape. This can also be the first step to a two step surgery if your doctor feels like it might be too dangerous to do the bypass right away. It is irreversible.

Adjustable Gastric Lap Band
This is where they insert a band around the stomach. It is filled with saline via the port that is accessible via the abdominal wall. It may take a little while to get the right adjustment. Saline can also be taken by the same process. It is reversible.
Where: This is the hospital or clinic you are going to go start and finish this journey with. They will be there for you the whole way through and after for years to come. They will provide an orientation, your blood and lab work, your psychology, nutritionist, physical fitness and doctor appointments. Some clinics might contract or give you a list for certain providers and support groups or they will provide them all in house. The clinic I have chosen is Oregon Weight Loss Surgery. It is a private clinic here in Portland, the same one my friend went to when she got her surgery 3 years ago. And they are conveniently right next door to the Legacy Weight Management Institute. They are also an amazing clinic. I would highly recommend either one.
When: This would be your timeline. It will vary for each person. Some may have an insurance company that requires weight loss or some sort of program prior to surgery. Some people might need additional psychology appointments. Some people might decide not to do the surgery and try to lost weight on your own. It is a very big decision and it is not to be taken lightly. Please don't rush this process. Take every step as it comes and appreciate what it will teach you. Which leads us to...
Why: Why, Why, Why on earth would we want to cut off our stomachs and eat tiny amounts of really good for you food? No more sweets, no more cake, no more french fries, no more steak. Why? Well I say, why not? And the people that I have spoken to that have had the surgery only say, "why did I not do it sooner?" This is of course a question you have to ask yourself and go through this process to make sure your reasons are the right one. Set your goals, think about how you want your life to be. That is your reason why!
What are you Who, What, When, Where and Whys?
Enjoy the process,
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