Today I scheduled my VSG (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy) surgery! Wow, it is kind of freaking me out since it is less than 2 weeks away (June 19th). But I am so
excited, so let's get to why!
I don't want to admit that being overweight limits your
life, but it is true. And recently I am more aware of it. I used to say, oh it doesn't matter, at least I have confidence and am happy. I mean really what is not to love about myself, I am married, have two beautiful children, I own my own business and work from home, I travel, have the best friends and family ever - how could I want more from life? Sorry can't help it, I do, I want this. These are some of the things I am most excited about...
Fitting in the seat on a plane!
If you are not aware I am a meeting planner. Which means I have to fly quite frequently.
I used to enjoy flying, traveling is one of my favorite things, I don't
even mind airport security lines. But here are some things I do mind

Have you ever had to ask the flight attendant for a seat belt extender.
Why this is so embarrassing I don't know. Well actually I do know, it's because I
don't want to be different, I want to be like everyone else and fit in
my airplane seat. I know it is not the most uncomfortable place to be
for whatever amount of time your flying above the clouds, but I would
like my hips to not runneth over into the seat next to me, to not have
to put the arm rest up and apologize for it, because when its down it
cuts off my circulation. To not feel like a stuffed sausage for 3 hours. One time, I
asked for an extender and forgot to give it back. I cannot admit if
this was on purpose or not, but it is nice to not have to ask anymore
because in my travel pouch next to my Bose headphones is my own personal
seat belt extender.
Walking and Talking..
The other day I was speaking with my sister. I was in the mall and I got
so out of breath from just walking and talking, it was crazy. I was
just walking, what is so hard about that? It's time to get in shape. Active phase...commence!
Play Time...
Do you ever see a mom try to slide down a little playground slide? Well you have never seen me do it. Why? Because I don't fit. Hoping I can change that.
Although play time encompasses many things, not just slides. Getting up and down off the floor, going
on the swings, running after my kid who can't obey my simple
directions to stay close. I will enjoy being able to keep up with them.
My father always woke me up with the saying, "places to go, people to
see, dresses to buy, adventures to go on, worlds to conquer!" In fact
if we were ever driving and would get lost or make a wrong turn, when
asked, "where are we going?" He would reply, "on an adventure!" This is
how I try to live life. Now I still have my fair share of adventures
now and then, but it would be nice if I could do more. Did you know there are
weight limits on most fun things? Like horseback riding, kayaking, zip
lining, who knows what else. And what about roller coasters? Last time
I was at Disney World I was smaller then and still barely fit on space
mountain. Life is way too fun to miss out on adventures like these.
To Live a Long and Happy, Healthy Life
....enough said.
To Feel Strong
I have to admit I have let myself go a bit, well a lot. I am in my
baby years and I have gone soft. Yep, I said it. Meaning I haven't lifted a weight
besides my own in over 4 years. Okay well I might have given it a little
more effort in between pregnancies. And I do lift babies, toddlers,
diaper bags, laptops and groceries. So I wouldn't call it a total loss.
But I feel weak and I shouldn't, I should feel strong. I am however a
strong woman in all things I strive to be, a mom, a wife and a business
For My Husbands' Sake...
Happy wife, happy life right!
To Run...
Me and Steve in the middle, this was our van. Good times! |
Me, mom and bro after Hood to Coast 2008. |
So right after I got married I trained and ran Hood to Coast. It's a
relay race you do with a team of 12. Your team literally runs from Mount Hood to
the Oregon coast. It was one of the most fun and memorable times of my
life. I was never a fast runner, but it was still freeing. I would
like to be able to run again without pain. It will be more difficult to
accomplish this, because of the low calorie and low carb diet, but I
can try. And I have the strange feeling I will. In fact I have already gathered a team for 2014. Stay tuned!
So let's go forth and live free, healthy, strong, playful, and adventuresome lives!